What Rough Beast | Poem for August 17, 2018

Rodney Terich Leonard

“Sorry, Miss Jackson”

Defeat is personal;
limber hallelujahs
lift heavy burdens.

Eyes, fit for purple & further trough
gaze unravel—
sheep headed to a bad market.

Hillary, hurt sister,
where haven’t we been?
Amid unwelcome wind

slow grind & two-step
let us slide electric & salsa
drop-it & wobble while we wail.

Rodney Terich Leonard is the founder of the Harlem Artists Salon which showcases writers, scholars, musicians and visual artists at various career levels. Mr. Leonard is a poet, essayist and the founder of the R.T. Leonard Salon, a lifestyle and aesthetics consultancy. An independent art dealer, Leonard’s literary works and profiles have been featured in The Red River Review, Margie,The Huffington Post, Callaloo, The New York Times, The Village Voice, For Colored Boys..(edited by Keith Boykin) and other publications. He holds an MFA in Poetry from Columbia University.

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