What Rough Beast | Poem for December 25, 2017

Daniel Edward Moore
When The White House Goes White

Inside the serpent’s    gold sterile cave    
lined top to bottom    with venomous children

spread a table  for the Lord   like a motel in Memphis
pass the salt    on a bullet   through the bright eyes   of Selma   

welcome to    the wrist cutting world    he calls home
welcome to     what happens    when the white house    goes white

messy will be    his messianic agenda     with swastikas painted
on Lincoln’s right hand   with a big    erect prayer   from impotent lips    

Oh say can you see     by the tower’s     dead light 
this is America   reading braille    this is the moment    

they come for you     as you hold   your breath   
in a dimly lit room   the size of a shoe  on the door’s other side   

where you stand    ashamed    in a puddle    of regret  
that so     little goodness     survived

Daniel Edward Moore’s poems have appeared in The Spoon River Poetry Review, Rattle, Assaracus, Columbia Journal, American Literary Review, Western Humanities Review, Mid-American Review and other journals, as well as in the anthology This New Breed: Gents, Bad Boys, And Barbarians 2 (Body Electric, 2004), edited by Rudy Kikel. He lives in Washington State on Whidbey Island.

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