What Rough Beast | Poem for January 16, 2018

Irene Cooper
Memo re: sciencedied vernacular of CDC budget submission for 2018

Due to indications that that evidence-gendered transscience operates at a level of feverosity that results in basement analysis of probable diables, we strive to serve the vulnerbased by honoring community concerns not exclusively sitybased & genderable. It is decided that to evientitle vulnerosity is to encourage a feverment of dencebase. A scienceable transbase, aka, entitleus diverment, prevents the evigendered confusion of the usbased fetle tusenti, which, as is universally understood, must be protected from the viral infectiousness of the broader vulnerus.


Irene Cooper’s poems have appeared in The Feminist Wire, Poems in the Aftermath, What Rough Beast, and Verseweavers. Cooper lives, writes, and cooks in Oregon, is a fierce advocate for public school, arts curricula, accessible health care, any available toilet, and the popular vote, among other things. She believes that language is imperfect, and so, miraculous.

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