What Rough Beast | Poem for November 7, 2017

Susan Landgraf
The Jester Poses

What else is he to do
When he’s in a lineup on the page
With the father of David,
King of Israel, and Jesus, the teacher,
The Christ dead and risen?

What else can he do
On days when he’s positioned
In a mall, a city or country,
When only the comedians
Tell it like it is.

What else can he do
When he’s not a hierophant, king
Of swords or prince of hearts,
When his job is, after all,
Called to castle, Senate chambers

Or court dressed in motley
With cap, bells and baubles,
This retainer hired so the others
Might appear to be wise?


Susan Landgraf is the author of What We Bury Changes the Ground (Tebot Bach, 2017), Other Voices (Finishing Line Press, 2009), and Student Reflection Journal for Student Success (Pearson Education, 2005). Her poems, essays, and articles have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Poet Lore, Margie, Nimrod, The Laurel Review, Ploughshares, and other journals.  published She has taught at Highline College and at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She lives in Auburn, Wash.

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