About Indolent Books

As told by founding publisher Michael Broder

Indolent Books is a small press I founded in 2015. I started Indolent as a home for poets over 50 without a first book. As it turned out, however, Indolent authors were never exclusively over 50, without a first book, or even poets. Indolent’s catalogue skews towards writers who are queer, trans, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, women, and people of color. That being said, some Indolent authors are straight white males. For the sake of transparency, let me note that I identify as a gay white male; also Baby Boomer, Jewish, and HIV-positive. The press has published anywhere from zero to 13 titles per year since its founding. The plan at present is to settle into a rhythm of about one title per quarter or 3–5 titles per year. The present plan is also to move into genres other than poetry. The first new forays in this direction will tend to emphasize creative nonfiction. Over time, though, I would like to publish critical-theoretical and scholarly-academic essays and monographs, more traditional nonfiction, and fiction. Crazy, right? But there you have it. For inquiries, hit me up at michael “at” indolentbooks “dot” com.