What Rough Beast | 06 30 20 | Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon

Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon
I miss the way

for Robert

your chin rests on my head,
when we hug, say hello—
sixteen years ago
I welcomed you, a tiny bairn
snug in my daughter’s arms.

I miss your sharp, enquiring mind
with question after question,
your accounts of the many books you’ve read
and your hunger for more. Far more.

I miss your crinkled smiled-up eyes
and your shy-delivered jokes,
your kitchen disco with your sister
when washing dishes, iPod full blast.

I miss your pantomimes with George,
your daemon ginger cat. Robert,
I miss all that—

but it will all be there again,
one day we’ll laugh out loud
as it all comes back.

—Submitted on 05/04/2020

Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon is the author of Cerddi Bach (Hedgehog Press, 2019). Her work has appeared in Porridge, The Blue Nib, Mookychick, Poethead, The Galway Review, and other journals. Ceinwen holds an MA in creative writing from Newcastle University, and lives near Newcastle upon Tyne.

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