What Rough Beast | Poem for November 3, 2018

Chad Parenteau
Brett Kavanaugh Jesus

Brett Kavanaugh Jesus
has a calendar to mark his time
from child to man,
performing no miracles.

Brett Kavanaugh Jesus
blames his inquisition
on Soros and Clinton.

Brett Kavanaugh Jesus
demands Heaven’s kingdom
without all the stations.

Brett Kavanaugh Jesus
wants us to get started
on his rapturous return
before he ascends.

Brett Kavanaugh Jesus
wants every woman
to be a Virgin Mary.

Brett Kavanaugh Jesus
wants every man
an impregnating archangel.

Brett Kavanaugh Jesus
wants to return to earth
in less than 300 days,
not two-thousand years.

Brett Kavanaugh Jesus
has no time for confessions.


FLAG_upside_downChad Parenteau is the author of Patron Emeritus, released in 2013 by FootHills Publishing. His work has appeared in Tell-Tale Inklings, Queen Mob’s Tea House, What Rough Beast, The Skinny Poetry Journal, Ibbetson Street, and Wilderness House Literary Review. He serves as Associate Editor of the online journal Oddball Magazine. His second full-length collection, The Collapsed Bookshelf, is forthcoming.

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