What Rough Beast | Poem for November 9, 2019

Chad Parenteau
Two Timely Tankas from the Resistance

Whistleblower Jesus Tanka

Trump Junior says I
know Whistleblower Jesus!
Rand Paul says No, I
know Whistleblower Jesus!
Rooster stalls at spectacle.

Michael Bloomberg Jesus Tanka

This poem is paid for
by Michael Bloomberg Jesus,
the most recent of
our beta billionaires
hawking their own golden calf.

Chad Parenteau is the author of Patron Emeritus (FootHills Publishing, 2013). His work has appeared in Tell-Tale InklingsQueen Mob’s Tea HouseThe Skinny Poetry JournalIbbetson Street, and Wilderness House Literary Review. He serves as associate editor of Oddball Magazine. His second full-length collection, The Collapsed Bookshelf, is forthcoming.

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