What Rough Beast | Poem for October 24, 2018

Bruce Robinson
Super Moon

Soon there will be beaujolais nouveau
parties, le beaujolais nouveau
est arrivé, at Bleu Provence (the
moon says so) and we will pair

wine with cheese, now pare
the cheese with data
and we will parse the bullet
we did not dodge and that tracks

its way around a calendar, now
isn’t that just like a moon, no reason
to believe me, not really,
took us long enough, like a celestial

stone that’s had it up to here

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with its relationship the moon
lumes large tonight, well, happens all the time,
even here in this country where hundreds
of thousands and yes we’re still counting

died so that others could covet property,
was their ardor aspirational,
and those who survived persisted
as did their children, and, all right,

you get the drift, which from all appearances
continues to persist, our tidal messiness,
which, and we shouldn’t like to hear this,
is possibly our strength but tonight

just fails to seem so, even by the light
or, well, despite the light, of a beleaguered moon.

Recent work by Bruce Robinson appears or is forthcoming in Mobius, Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, Panoply, and Pangyrus.

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