Flush Left | James Croal Jackson | 01 10 23

House of Mirrors

in this house of mirrors look around you
all around you looks at you if you think

you are out of sight of stars remember
light itself is the mirror the stars 

made you the stars own you the stars 
constantly surveil you the sun

itself shines its light at you for hours
because it must know you will soon 

sin though you never believed in God 
the sun will whisper I am your sunshine 

your only sunshine and every other 
source of light will seem ninety-three

million miles away and in 
no rush to reach you

—Submitted on 09/25/2022

James Croal Jackson is the author of Count Seeds With Me (Ethel Zine & Micro-Press, 2022), Our Past Leaves (Kelsay Books, 2021), and The Frayed Edge of Memory (Writing Knights, 2017). Based in Pittsburgh, he works in film production and edits The Mantle Poetry.

Editor’s Note: The series title Flush Left refers to the fact that, due to our limited WordPress skills, we are only considering poems that are flush left. Poems already in our Submittable queue that have simple non-flush-left formatting may be considered publication.