Flush Left | Megan Denese Mealor | 01 22 23

Flightless Limbs

Even for a Piscean, she was precarious,
reeling from caramel blond to raspberry red
in the blink of a hot blue star.

Wracked with anticipatory grief,  
as frozen as February daffodils,
she appeals to the dark-eyed junco
battling its bay window reflection
with wildcat ammunition.

Interactive silence becomes her misplaced language,
cosmetic sunrays splintered 
on the uncombed lawn.

There are always less and less colors 
to wear to baptisms anymore.

—Submitted on 10/04/2022

Megan Denese Mealor is the author of the poetry collections Bipolar Lexicon (Unsolicited Press, 2018), Blatherskite (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, 2019), and A Mourning Dove’s Wishbone (Cyberwit, 2022). Her poems and photographs have appeared in journals including  Brazos River Review, Across the Margin, Typehouse Magazine, The Disappointed Housewife, The Wise Owl, and The Writing Disorder. Mealor lives in Jacksonville, Fla., with her husband, son, and three rescue cats. 

Editor’s Note: The series title Flush Left refers to the fact that, due to our limited WordPress skills, we are only considering poems that are flush left. Poems already in our Submittable queue that have simple non-flush-left formatting may be considered for publication.

Visit our Kickstarter for A MONTH OF SOMEDAY, the debut chapbook by Gerald Wagoner.