Transition: Poems in the Afterglow | 11 20 20 | Michael Cunningham

Michael Cunningham
Corona Psalm

You don’t have to feel lonely.

You don’t have to eat from cable news
like an endless buffet.

Listen, the birds are singing.

Listen, the rain is making love
to the city streets.

Watch, the leaves give birth
and the trees that hold them.

You don’t have to be alone.

Drink from the stream
within yourself.

Pull yourself away from the world
the same way you would tug a child
away from an open flame.

Drink from the stream
drink and be well.

—Submitted on 10/17/2020 to the erstwhile What Rough Beast series

Michael Cunningham is a school librarian and outdoor nature educator trained in Waldorf education and biodynamic farming.

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