Transition: Poems in the Afterglow | 12 03 20 | Sarah Sarai

Sarah Sarai
Sappiness Is Not in the DSM

You scorn an impulse to
the peach within,
a more grand yesterday.
I’m with you but
	a deft solemnity 
	like a monster fog
	spreads over our 
	already lived so
I’m saying, colorize anguish.
	Push through
Trust the conviction 
	of all ten fingertips’ 
	subtle musculature. 
Ten multiplying visions 
	threading to reach air.
You get the idea 
	which is already 
	out there
seeking shelter in a poem
	or a bar, wherever
shelter is sought.
	It’s all good, comrade.
That guy daring us to 
	eat a peach?
I’m daring us to be one.
	Then eat it.

—Submitted on 12/02/2020

Sarah Sarai is author of the poetry collections That Strapless Bra in Heaven (Kelsay Books, 2019), Geographies of Soul and Taffeta (Indolent Books, 2016), and The Future is Happy (BlazeVOX[books], 2009). Her work has appeared in E-ratio, DMQ-Review, New Verse News, Live Nude Poems, Big City Lit, and other journals, as well as in anthologies including Stonewall’s Legacy (Local Gems Press, 2019). Sarai lives in New York.

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