Transition: Poems in the Afterglow | 12 05 20 | Parker Sera

Parker Sera
Questions About the Rebellions

1.The summer we burned all the cop cars
The summer the people rose
Like shimmering heat from the asphalt

Was it a mirage
The future deceptive as a horizon line
Imaginary and constantly retreating

2.does entropy mean chaos or just equilibrium and does equilibrium have to imply tepidness or can it imply justice and does tepidness have to be a bad thing because I looked it up and it just means “a warmness resembling the temperature of the skin”

3.Will the will burn away
Like the heat shimmer when it finally rains
It has not rained; this is a reminder that

It has not rained yet

—Submitted on 11/13/2020

Parker Sera’s work has appeared in The Rising Phoenix ReviewKnack Magazine, and the Aurora Review, as well as in the anthology 11/9: The Fall of American Democracy (Independently published, 2017), edited by Casey Lawrence. Parker is a queer, midwestern horse girl, poet, actor, and theatre-maker from Minneapolis. She lives in Philadelphia, where she’s working on her MFA in acting at Temple University.

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