What Rough Beast | 06 21 20 | Christopher Braciszewski

Christopher Braciszewski

Forever never felt like much
Until we wept for a hand to hold
Lonely smoldering cauldron
This life is embolden with hypocrisy
Shouting loudly for justice in a small room
Timelessness, effortless, and beguiled
Soft eyes, soft hands, soft lips
Hard times not fixed
We miss the universal you
We miss the world we once knew
Could there be a second where we hold one another,
Where we all agree that each other is the one and be still in that love
Does your heart beat in sync?
Does it beat in fashion and fortitude?
Masterful pulse of cryptic layers
Hollow tree with a hole to fill
Void next door, Opens calm
We all have the pieces but no puzzle
To connect the dots and see the answer
The question was never
Will we be alone forever?
But are we forever alone?
Timelessness, effortless, and beguiled

—Submitted on 04/26/2020

Christopher Braciszewski is the co-founder, with Charlotte Miller and John Harris, of EST, a San Diego-based band that has been described as an amalgam of shoegaze, dark wave, and goth influences. In a recent interview, Braciszewski says of their music, “As humans we have so much untapped knowledge that can aid in the access to bettering ourselves and this understanding can help us all adapt to the externality of the ever changing world through creativity as expression and art as experience.”

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