What Rough Beast | 08 19 20 | Linda Lowe

Linda Lowe

There were signs of congratulations on every door. Positive thinking was all the rage. If you said yes enough times, yes it was, yes sir. Or madam. No one was left out that way. You could be crossing the Mojave and everyone would wish you well. Maybe offer you a swig of water if it came to that. Point out that you might find a good pair of boots along the way. People were falling after all. How long could they be expected to stand? Their boots, please, have at them.Close their eyes, utter a few words, move on.

—Submitted on 08/13/2020

Linda Lowe is the author of the chapbook Karmic Negotiations (Sarasota Poetry Theatre Press, 2003), winner of the SPT National Poetry Competition. Her poems and stories have appeared in Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Outlook Springs, A Story in 100 Words, The New Verse News, Star 82 Review, and other journals, as well as in the anthology Weatherings (Future Cycle Press, 2015), edited by David Chorlton and Robert S. King. Lowe lives in Southern California with her husband.

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