What Rough Beast | 10 17 20 | Victoria Ruiz

Victoria Ruiz
Televised Rondel

I am out of words today—
file under goddamned tired.
That swelling of a voice for hire—
my fury burns in acidic decay.

Kindness has been shelved away—
humanity, expired.
I am out of words today—
file under goddamned tired.

We polarize the elephant, another standing NAY.
Four legged wired—
a carnival’s transpired.
Tent seams that naught and fray—
I am out of words today.

—Submitted on 10/02/2020

Victoria Ruiz holds a BFA in art from Minnesota State University, Mankato, with a studio specialization in painting. She lives in Minneapolis with her partner and their twin sons. This is her first poetry publication.

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