What Rough Beast | 10 31 20 | Steven Cordova

Steven Cordova
Doom Scrolling

↓ Doom scrolling 
  Doom scrolling
  I’m scrolling   

  scrolling along 

↓ Doom scrolling  
  Doom scrolling 

  I’m polling  

  The polling 

↓ Doom scrolling  
  Doom scrolling 

  Trump is trolling 
  He’s trolling

  trolling along 

↓ Doom scrolling 
  Doom scrolling 

  All the day long

  For so long

  I’m doom scrolling
  Doom scrolling along ↑

—Submitted on 10/15/2020

Steven Cordova is the author of Long Distance (Bilingual Review Press, 2010). His poems have appeared in Bellevue Literary Review, Callaloo, The Journal, Notre Dame Review, and the Los Angeles Review, among other journals. He reviews fiction and nonfiction for Lambda Literary. From San Antonio, he lives in Brooklyn. 

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