What Rough Beast | Covid-19 Edition | 04 11 20 | Eliza Blazely

Eliza Blazely
An Invisible Beast

An invisible beast prowls, hungrily,
Over the land, searching for victims,
It curls up in the lungs of the fragile,
And cruelly consumes them from the inside.

The streets fill with unrelenting panic,
The shelves of supermarkets are emptied,
School and office buildings turn silent,
As the whole world whips into a frenzy.

Calm yourself; stay at home, safe and cosy,
Call your family and study their breathing,
Be loving, share your hoard, and together,
We can create a shield against its claws.

One day, this grim crisis will be over,
The hopeful sun rises again and again,
And always will, so please hold on tightly,
Soon we will wake to find the monster dead.

Eliza Blazely is an Australian high school student. She has been passionate about writing since a very young age and plans to pursue a career as a writer.

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