What Rough Beast | Covid-19 Edition | 05 09 20 | Stephen Kingsnorth

Stephen Kingsnorth
A Winter Tale

What wondrous world is this,
where touch is gone,
that greeting lost?
I’m moved as single piece on board,
new site, where all see black and white;
a pawn, one step at a time,
every square delineate.
The castle is now grown my home,
the bishops kept in oblique line,
the monarchy’s protection, sign—
a posture for these straightened times.

The days become as night is long,
long pauses mark slow gong of dial,
unwinding for the highlight wind,
when turning key seems magical;
for nothing is as something now –
of no report, significant,
each plan subjected eroteme,
an interrogative become
relationships and daily course.
Shake or hug with smile and kiss
without a click and distant mist,
till lost connections be restored;
when will again I meet and greet,
Perdita find new Florizel?

—Submitted on 03/27/2020

Stephen Kingsnorth‘s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Gold DustThe Seventh QuarryThe Dawntreader, and Foxtrot Uniform Poetry Magazines, and Identity, as well as in the anthology Pain & Renewal: A Poetry Anthology (Vita Brevis Press, 2019), edited by Brian Geiger. He is retired from ministry in the Methodist Church and lives in Wales. Online at Poetry Kingsnorth.

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