What Rough Beast | Covid-19 Edition | 06 03 20 | Koji A. Dae

Koji A. Dae
Corona Crush

I told a boy
he was my crush
a corona-crush,
if you will

he wouldn’t
but he said thank you

in the watery morning light
from dirty windows
and distant mountains
i’m not allowed to travel to
i wondered

why would i
such a thing

staring at walls
inviting spiders to weave
webs of amusement
i realize

it’s easy to spot
and trust a man
who will thank a woman
for her emotion
and in times
when touch is forbidden
honesty is the next best thing

—Submitted on 04/11/2020

Koji A. Dae‘s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Lucent Dreaming, ParABnormal Magazine, and Savant-Garde. She is an American writer living in Bulgaria.

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