What Rough Beast | Covid-19 Edition | 06 07 20 | Tim Tomlinson

Tim Tomlinson

Last night’s dream was like a Chagall.
In one corner, William Barr at a bus stop, smiling.

In another, screeching bats hanging
from the ceiling of a thatch hut.

Frantic, I look for transport
up the river that skirts the two.

This, and it’s weeks before things get really hot.

—Submitted on 06/07/2020

Tim Tomlinson is the author of Requiem for the Tree Fort I Set on Fire (Winter Goose Publishing (2016), and This Is Not Happening to You (Winter Goose Publishing, 2017). His poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies. Tomlinson holds a BA and an MFA from Columbia University. He co-founded New York Writers Workshop, and he teaches in the global liberal studies program at New York University.

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