What Rough Beast | Poem for April 23, 2018

Robert Crisp
The Politics of the Iron Skillet

It has opinions, you know, not to
mention feelings— shame on us
both for not recognizing the amazing
skillet for what it truly is: a thinker,
a maker, but not a mover or shaker.

It’s a blue dog Democrat that love onions
and hash browns, sunning itself on the stove,
holding court with the witless saucepans.
Sometimes, in the cool dark, it murmurs to
the microwave that all is lost and nothing
with sense will ever slouch toward Washington.

The fridge thinks everything is treasonous,
but nothing more so than the iron skillet.

We must protect it, you see. It needs us.

Robert Crisp currently hides out in Savannah, GA, where he teaches English. He writes poetry as often as he can. Learn more at www.writingforghosts.com

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