What Rough Beast | Poem for February 14, 2018

Justin Shin
A Quiet Exit

Better be quiet
the fallen branches are no fools
they stay silent
and the doe hears
and knows well
the rough-hewn intricacies of sinewy roots
the fallen trunk torn open with lightning
boulders with mossy undersides
a watching-glass of crystal

a snap of twigs may sound
a pitch too dire
or some shuffling leaves
disturbed by no calm forest breeze
she will identify in an instant
the infringement
nervous, shuffling hands
emotions buried under miles of guilt
and jump away

but the night opts to remain silent
to sound no ominous warning
whilst he studies the doe down his shaft
its silver tip fording
the soft bands of moonlight


Justin Shin is a sophomore studying at the International School of Manila in the Philippines. He enjoys using literature as a tool to explore the many eccentric and beautiful facets of the world. He writes news articles frequently for the school publication Bamboo Telegraph. He also loves music.

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