What Rough Beast | Poem for February 16, 2019

Lydia Cortes
Find the Form to Love Your Life (Section 2)

I like      The want the love querer in one word      Takes care of both needs en una palabra      Solamente una vez what the rest of the song      The rest of the lyrics of that Spanish love song      The cut your veins cause I love you more than      My own life brand of love song can you  imagine      Loving so much you’ll kill yourself to prove it      Do I love myself enough to kill myself for that      For that love huh what say you sitting out there      Voyeur of my actions my ramblings my rambling     Rose another type of vine is that what rambling      Means maybe it does in a rose in a rose in a rose      Rambling does that mean it winds itself around      Something strangling it or does rambling mean      To wander away away eventually given enough ramb      To wander to another place even one far far away      Where there you think be other bodies to love      Bodies that love themselves that love their lives       

Editor’s Note: “Find the Form to Love Your Life” is a long poem that we are posting in eleven sections on consecutive Saturdays.

Lydia Cortes is the author of the poetry collections Lust for Lust (Ten Pell Books, 2002) and Whose Place (Straw Gate Books, 2009). Her work appears in the anthologies Puerto Rican Poetry: An Anthology from Aboriginal to Contemporary Times (U Mass Press, 2006) and Breaking Ground: Anthology of Puerto Rican Women Writers in New York 1980-2012 (Editorial Campana, 2012). Recent work has appeared in Upstreet and on the Black Earth Institute’s 30 Days Hath September poetry feature curated by Patricia Spears Jones.

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