What Rough Beast | Poem for February 24, 2019

Lydia Cortes
Find the Form to Love Your Life (Section 3)

But why do they love what makes them so loving      So  loveable my funny valiant vale of tears valiant      Valentine you of the strong heart brave heart courage      Mad anger in Spanish also can mean courage like      Want and love having/sharing the same body but      With  different meanings at least two at least I know      I’ve learned so much so much in my addled head I      Can drive myself coo coo like someone who is loco      Loco in the coco loquisimo nothing meaning anything      Like loquacious…someone who talks too much may       Seem mad or selfish or just plain too coo coo      Find the form to be in love with your life      Find the form to be the love of your life      Evoluting the breast pocket pad to telephone      Writing covertly writing openly when others      Are watching or not when you’re your only      Voyeur voyage to the bottom of your soul      To the top of your tippy tip brain by the fontanel

Editor’s Note: “Find the Form to Love Your Life” is a long poem that we are posting in eleven sections on consecutive Saturdays.

Lydia Cortes is the author of the poetry collections Lust for Lust (Ten Pell Books, 2002) and Whose Place (Straw Gate Books, 2009). Her work appears in the anthologies Puerto Rican Poetry: An Anthology from Aboriginal to Contemporary Times (U Mass Press, 2006) and Breaking Ground: Anthology of Puerto Rican Women Writers in New York 1980-2012 (Editorial Campana, 2012). Recent work has appeared in Upstreet and on the Black Earth Institute’s 30 Days Hath September poetry feature curated by Patricia Spears Jones.

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