What Rough Beast | Poem for January 30, 2020

Kiran Bhat
A character asked: What is the difference between a character and a sentence?



客燃脑结论说:它们都引领人到真理。问题更多是你偏向哪个 —— 短时间的剧痛还是长时间的微疼。

A character asked: What is the difference between a character and a sentence?

Kiran responds:
A character is like a rope,
A sentence like a bridge.
One is like a snake,
The other, a mere worm.
One is a story,
The other is the plot.

Kiran concludes: Both the character and the sentence leads to truth. The question is more of which you prefer to take – the shorter one of greater toil, or the longer one of greater ease.

The Mandarin version of this poem appeared in Kiran Speaks (White Elephant Press, 2019).

Kiran Bhat is the author of the poetry collections Autobiografia (Letrame Editorial, 2019) and Kiran Speaks (White Elephant Press, 2019), as well as the Kannada-language travelogue Tirugaatha (Chiranthana Media Solutions, 2019) and the novel We of the Forsaken World (Iguana Books, 2019). He has traveled to over 130 countries, lived in 18 different places, and speaks 12 languages. He considers Mumbai his spiritual base, but currently lives in Melbourne.

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