What Rough Beast | Poem for July 13, 2019

Adam Malinowski

Uber me to the checkpoint. Telecommunications falling like airplanes, stroke me in this no-fly zone. Sites where language is subtracted, the price of dissent’s bloody hand. Smoking Turkish cigarettes by the airport—on a reconnaissance—my motherfucker drone Amazon doorbell recognized my headshot in Pakistan the Target superstore where erasure creeps up from behind a shelled mirror in the South China Sea privatizing battle “back home.” Science mushroom-clouds perception, Fox and Friends muffles cries. Chromium and leaded pipes exit the barrel of a cop’s Glock 19. The flag our prohibition on Love’s impossible icon, the only logical revolt.

Poems by Adam Malinowski have appeared in  Poets Reading the News, Philosophical Idiot, and in Mirage #5/Period(ical) #6. They hold an MA in Creative Writing from Eastern Michigan University, live in Detroit, and facilitate a poetry workshop at Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility in Ypsilanti, Mich.

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