What Rough Beast | Poem for May 26, 2018

Jonathan Rentler
lemon trees be thirsty

so careful
where you stand

deep roots mean nothing
soiled in a mimicry of land

folly & mites mangle
tips easily splay

for the rip-roar
of windy days

let poison
fruit rot
before juice be made

the secret is this:

their branches raise
not towards light

but skyward still
for mother’s
sappy swill



Jonathan Rentler is the author of the chapbook Times Square Words# 1 (Yonkers International Press/Blurb 2017). His work has appeared in LOLA, Babbling of the Irrational, Fickle Muses, I-70, Ganymede, Unlikely Stories 2.0, and Midnight Muse.

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