What Rough Beast | Poem for May 3, 2019

Juheon Rhee
Dear Lizabeth

Dear Lizabeth

In the little apartment you stay have you heard the story of the old woman so neat and tidy quite rigid I suppose she kept a nicely written to-do list words neat cursive like dried elegant flowers color drained out plastered on the poppy yellow sheet

1. Water the mugunghua

  1. The ones on the east side of the house, bending over backwards, petals like hands pointing in.

2. Feed the jindo and her puppies

  1. I know they look like wolves but trust me, they don’t bite. They are loyal and will protect you, unlike the small artificial fakes you city people carry around.

3. Pray everyday

  1. Your ancestors have done it and so have I. You and all those “revolutionary” people don’t believe in god and you’d probably argue that science has proven it all a myth—but a simple prayer before bed and meals will do you no harm.

4. Be happy

  1. I know that in our household we have not touched this subject as much as we should but the fact that you are here reading this note means that you have moved in and that I am gone. I am proud of you, always. You moved to America wanting to be free of me and your father and now you are. Forever. I will always look down on you when I’m up there. Don’t be afraid. You are probably disappointed to find out that I have given you this house instead of money that would support you in America. One day you will be thankful. Korea will welcome you without hesitation and you will no longer have to suffer the brutal unfairness and discrimination that followed you everywhere you went.

She was strict alright never would doodle never carve the swirling suns now which is filled in the hanok rather the emotionless woman never thought would muster a single tear dearest Lizabeth you changed your name said Siheun was too hard to pronounce leaving you in this world all by yourself of course you would disagree this is my final gift

I’ll love you
Forever and Always,

Editor’s Note: 엄마 is Korean for “mom.”

Juheon (Julie) Rhee is a 13-year-old student and is currently attending International School Manila. During her free time, she enjoys reading Agatha Christie’s mysteries and hanging out with her friends. She has previously been published by K’in Literary Journal and has been recognized by Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.

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