What Rough Beast | Poem for November 28, 2018

Sam Avrett
America, continued

America, Allen was talking to you. Sixty two years ago, and I’m still nothing. I love my truck and venison stew but I need to cancel my credit card.

America, I have so many questions, I hope you don’t mind. Thanks for the border but what was the fate of those children? Yes those migrants but I meant my neighbors who served in the war. I can never remember the name of that song, or that book.

America what happened to the dairy farm? Did you notice there aren’t as many birds as there used to be? I like my fire chief, but I don’t think I trust the judge. Or the governor either. I’m beginning to suspect that Bernie might have been right.

America, why did I need that generator? Why do I need supplemental coinsurance? With the supersize chips, why am I still hungry?

America, did you really ever free the slaves? America, me too.

We need to be left alone to think about this. Freedom isn’t free. My neighbors the jail guards are taking up guns.

Sam Avrett lives in a rural county in upstate New York, with dogs, husband, and a startling amount of canned and preserved food stocked away for the winter.

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