What Rough Beast | Poem for October 20, 2018

Bruce Robinson
Field Notes on the American Eagle

I could tell you about eagles. Absolutely,
the national bird, whose gimlet eyes
latch on to facts on the ground

whose art veers toward the interstices
of talk and action, the parallel lines
that only meet through an echolocation

that we, that’s right, that’s us
on the ground, are privileged
to behold in wonder and amaze,

as did the Greeks, all talk
and no action, of antiquity,
as did other losers, native

liabilities, but I digress,
let me tell you, someday soon
I’ll tell you about eagles,

and you’ll be amazed.
You really will.

Recent work by Bruce Robinson appears or is forthcoming in Mobius, Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, Panoply, and Pangyrus.

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