What Rough Beast | Poem for October 26, 2018

Marjorie Moorhead
Walking With the Wind

Walking with the wind today
all the Autumn leaves are in play;

whether shake-dancing on their branches,
or dry rustling on the ground.

Those once red, yellow, gold,
now browned;

mixing with pine needles in a brew
mapping out patterns best discerned

from above, by geese who flew by
on their way to southern spots.

A bit like the Haves, who leave behind
the Have Nots for warmer climes

when a chill sets in. Soon, those
havens will be gone. Luxury bungalow

playgrounds swallowed up by swells
and surges. Atlantis created

by consumerist urges.
Walking with the wind today

grey and white bands of cloud in play,
criss crossing a pale blue sky; bright

with the telephone wires lit true,
glittering so beautifully in a spotlight,

displayed in their best light,
as only the sun’s rays can do.

Marjorie Moorhead‘s poetry can be found in the online sites/journals What Rough Beast, HIV Here & Now, Rising Phoenix Review, and Sheila-Na-Gig. She has poems in two anthologies: A Change of Climate (12/2017, edited by Sam Illingworth and Dan Simpson to benefit The Environmental Justice Foundation), and Birchsong: Poetry Centered in VT, Vol.II (4/2018, edited by Alice Wolf Gilborn, et al. for The Blueline Press). Forthcoming in 2019 is a chapbook from Finishing Line Press, and a collection with 4th Friday Poets (Hobblebush). Marjorie is an AIDS survivor, mother of two, and is nestled in northern New England, near the NH/VT border.
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