Transition: Poems in the Afterglow | 11 22 20 | Melissa Eleftherion

Melissa Eleftherion
Impatient Liminal

The pauses and interludes
& mesoganglia & aerenchyma
leave breathing space
enough to weave
the phosphorus &

how to float
make movable

transformational imaginal
transimaginal poetics
liminal and braiding
ecologies of understanding
the interrelatedness
of beings
in practice
in joy
and community
if we all
shine on
radiant music

there’s so much more
than that brutal grey
retaining wall
these synaptic fields
emit memory
as imaginal proteins
the sugars
make the fabric

—Submitted on 11/21/2020

Melissa Eleftherion is the author of field guide to autobiography (The Operating System, 2018), little ditch (above/ground press, 2018), and trauma suture (above/ground press, 2020). Her poems have appeared in Entropy, Flag+Void, Lunch TicketPith, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, and other journals. Born and raised in Brooklyn, Eleftherion lives in Northern California, where she manages the Ukiah Library, teaches creative writing, and curates the LOBA Reading Series. Online at

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