What Rough Beast | Poem for October 18, 2018

Margo Davis
Keep It Light

He came as he pleased,
air parting so that light could bathe
him wherever he went,
washing out every fact before,
beyond, and near him
then poof!
he would fade and evade,
leaving a cut-out
in the atmosphere until the crowds
or reporters pushed
floodlights in that direction
to fill an enormous gap.
When he surfaced elsewhere,
he would nudge the air to make way
for throngs, accommodating
for presence then
absence, which we came to expect,
even when he stood there,
the void shifting to muted
promise, from indifference to
the soft grope inviting

Margo‘s more recent poems have appeared in The Fourth River, Ekphrastic Review, Misfit, and Light, and the Houston Chronicle (Fall). Recent anthology publications include Enchantment of the Ordinary (December), Of Burgers and Ballrooms, Untameable City, numerous Texas Poetry Calendars, and Echoes of the Cordillera. A Pushcart nominee awash in Republican mindsets, Margo thrives on closely observing film, photos, and natural settings. She’s known for eavesdropping.

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